Deno support on EvenNode

After a couple months of testing Deno internally we have enabled support for Deno since the last week for all our customers. We have been very pleased with Deno's performance and support and we feel it's a great step forward for our community.

Deno 1.0 was released on May 14, 2020. The team has made huge progress with the language and Deno is a valuable addition to the Node.js and Python languages we already offer.

Deno has been created by Ryan Dahl, the original creator of Node.js. Deno is focused on productivity and security and supports both JavaScript and TypeScript out of the box. Deno brings many new features to the table:

  • Deno is secure by default. You need to explicitly allow access to network, file or environment variables.
  • Ships with just a single executable file
  • Does not need a package manager – it handles dependencies internally
  • Provides a set of curated standard modules at

Deno was originally written in Go which was later replaced with Rust. Both Deno and Node.js are built on Google's V8 JavaScript engine. Deno has redesigned its API to use Promises by default.

The runtime documentation can be found at Deno also comes with a great set of guides with in-depth explanations of more complex functions of the runtime.

We're looking forward to all the great projects you will build with Deno!